Lookup (ver 2.0)


This page shows various language dictionaries used under "Lookup". They span from Japanese, Chinese, Sanskirt to Latin dictionaries.

DICT Dictionaries

"Dict project" provides a unique dictzip (.dz) format, which enables randam-access of compressed dictionary data.

"Freedict" project adopts `dict' tools and attempt to create various multi-lingual dictionary data. Their compressed dictionary data file has been distributed widely as debian packages.


“Kojien” Japanese Language Dictionary

“Lookup” can handle EBG/EBXA/EPWING (up to V6) dictionaries with `eblook' and EB libraries. Furthermore, when used with EPWING dictionaries, old Kanji characters (旧字) in a query can automatically be converted to new Kanji characters (新字).

Crown French-Japanese Dictionary

If specified, “Lookup” can automatically remove accents from alphabets in a query string.

Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

“Lookup” can automatically convert Devanagari to Kyoto-Harvard and vice versa.

Shōgakukan Chinese-Japanese Japanese-Chinese Dictionary

“Lookup” can automatically convert GB Hanzi to pinyin when used with EBXA-C dictionary. Also, When used with EBXA dictionaries, Kanji characters in a query can automatically be converted to Hiragana so that the dictionaries can handle queries.

LogoVista Dictionaries

Some LogoVista Dictionaries, that can be converted to EPWING format by "dessed", may be used with Lookup.

Recent LogoVista Dictionaries began to support displaying and querying Unicode characters. These dictionaries can also be used with Lookup software.


「漢字源 第4版」 supports Unicode character display and query. By using LogoVista 「漢字源 第4版」 & Lookup, you can examine non-JIS X 0208 characters, such as JIS X 0212 and JIS X 0213 ideographs.

PDIC Dictionaries

“Lookup” can handle PDIC format. PDIC format is adopted by various free bi-lingual dictionaries in Japan, including Korean-Japanese and Chinese-Japanese dictionaries.

“Eijiro” English-Japanese Dictionary

EIJIRO is one of the most famous electronic English-Japanese dictionary. Its CD-ROM is distributed by ALC, and encoded by PDIC format.

Lingvo DSL (Dictionary Specification Language)

"Lookup" supports "DSL" format dictionaries, especially popular among East European countries.

BTONIC Dictionaries

"Midium-Size Music Dictionary" (新編・音楽中辞典)

Recently, BTONIC has become popular for electronic dictionary format in Japan. It is actually an compressed and archived XML files, and once they are de-compressed, they can be searched by Lookup `ndbtonic' agent.

「字通」 Kanji Ideographs Dictionary

「字通」 is renowned etymological dictionary for Japanese Kanji.

“WORDS” Latin-English Dictionary Program

“Lookup” can be used as an interface of "WORDS Latin-English Dictionary Program". It can be used as both Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary.

Text/XML Based Dictionaries


  • KO Zigen...Old Chinese-Japanese Dictionary.

Kadokawa Zigen is old dictionary of that electric version is freely distributable.

Shina-bun Wo Yomu tame no Kanji-ten (支那文を読むための漢字典)

“Lookup” can be used as an interface of "Shina-bun Wo Yomu tame no Kanji-ten", renowned Chinese-Japanese dictionary published in early 20th centry and no longer copyrighted by anyone.


“Lookup” can be used as an interface of "JMdict", produced by Jim Breen, famous for his "jedict" and various other lexicographic resources. It can be used as an dictionary for Japanese vs French, Russian, German, English and vice versa.

Shuowen Jiezi Zhu (説文解字注)

Support file for `Shuowen' XML file is also provided with lookup.


Support file for `宋本廣韻' XML file is also provided with lookup.

Unihan.txt and KangXi dictionary

Wasei Kanji no Jiten (和製漢字の辞典)


Lookup supports searching "學生字典" (year 1915 edition) via Emacs.

RangJung YeShe Tibetan-English Dictionary

Lookup supports searching "RangJung-YeShe" Tibetan Dictionary.